Summary: King Benjamin records the names of the people and appoints priests to teach them—Mosiah reigns as a righteous king. About 124—121 B.C.
I find it extremely interesting that after preaching and teaching and committing the people, King Benjamin felt impressed to record the names of those who entered into a covenant with God to keep His commandments. In reality this does occur quite literally when we are baptized members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and take His name upon us and covenant to always remember Him.... those actions are recorded in the Book of Life by the angels in heaven. But I am pretty sure (and hopeful) the last "post" about my commitment and covenants to my Heavenly Father was not on my 8th birthday (the day I was baptized). Hopefully the angels have found more recent actions of mine worthy to enter in that same book (i.e.- a fortified testimony, receiving my own endowment in the temple, my temple sealing/marriage, the birth/blessings of my children, each testimony I bear, the times I re-commit to my covenants during weekly sacrament meeting, my daily actions, etc.)
In this chapter all the people (except little children) were seen to have covenanted with God. I can't imagine what that would FEEL like to live among such a Christlike/God-fearing community. Then again, I think that is how it feels when I attend church and am surrounded by other members, especially other mothers who keep the same schedule/agenda I do. (i.e.- YOU LADIES).
Mosiah thoughtfully prepares for his own death by consecrating his son Mosiah to be the next ruler over the people, giving him all the charges concerning the kingdom. He then appoints priests to teach the people (stir them up to remember their covenants), and then DISMISSES the multitude unto their own homes.
Hereafter Mosiah's son, Mosiah, begins to reign and after 3 years Mosiah the elder dies (about 121 B.C. or 479 years after Lehi left Jerusalem). King Mosiah continued to walk in the ways of the Lord and (I love this... something I'm dying to work on when I move into my new house):
vs 7 - And king Mosiah did cause his people that they should till the earth. And he also, himself, did till the earth, that thereby he might anot become burdensome to his people, that he might do according to that which his father had done in all things. And there was no contention among all his people for the space of three years.
Isn't it interesting how Mosiah himself tilled the earth (gardened/farmed) along with the people, in order not to be a burden to his people..... he didn't want them waiting on him, he got down and worked along side them. This reminds me of the work ethic/love of our modern-day prophets. Kind of a fun note to end on. So, GET YOUR GARDEN IN!
Just found this blog. Sorry this comment is not related to the chapter, but I love this idea for a blog. I added you to my favorites so I can check back often and fill my bucket too. Thanks for what you are doing.
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