I love verse 4: "Behold, my soul delighteth in plainness unto my people, that they may learn." Nephi is speaking, but I can just hear Heavenly Father saying the same thing to us, which I believe He essentially has, thru modern day prophets. How many of today's apostles and prophets throughout the years have encouraged us to continue learning, to be educated?
Verse 8 is great, as we just made it thru the Isaiah chapters: "I know that they shall be of great worth unto them in the last days...wherefore, for their good have I written them."
Verse 13 is amazing. It makes me love Nephi! He has such deep convictions and a great love for Christ. He says: "My heart doth magnify his holy name." Do we have Christ written in our hearts?
The bulk of this chapter is full of major prophecies, which would be great for everyone to study again.
Verse 23: "For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved after all we can do." This is a principle I have used a lot in my everyday life, especially with school. There is no way I could do anything alone. I feel so dependent on Heavenly Father. Of course, on a larger scale, we need to remember that, as hard as we try in this life, we will fall short. It is thru the grace of our Savior, who loves us so much, that we will be saved.
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